Friday, 24 February 2012

National Periodicals Publications Inc.

Over to America now, and for this post I'm going to, eventually, publish an entire set of Batman 'bubblegum' or 'trading cards', issued from 1966 by National Periodicals Publications Inc. These cards take you right back to the sixties, and look great (or should that be fab). They came with the obligatory rectangle of pink bubblegum which was tasty for approximately five seconds. National Periodicals Publications Inc. was known as DC comics years before they officially adopted that name (1977). The DC stood for Detectice Comics and included: 
Their colourful seventy-eight year history can be found here:

What we have here is Series 1, known to collectors as  'Batman orange backs' or 'Black Bats'.
The majority of the illustrations are done by Norman Saunders, the veteran 'pulp' illustrator mentioned in the previous post, and from pencil drawings by Bob Powell, who died in 1967. They are hand painted images. Referring again to the previous post, these artists were also involved in the 'Battle' bubblegum cards from the A&BC Chewing Gum Co. based in England. You can note from the backs of these cards below that, although they originate from America, they are printed in Great Britain by, you guessed it, the A&BC Chewing Gum Company.

Smoke me a kipper I'll be back for breakfast!

What a guy! What a lunchbox!

Robin: Look Batman - a pipistrelle!
Batman: Oh Lord give me strength!

Look Batman, I don't care what you say, the pants have to go!

Hey guys, there's that weirdo who wears his pants over his tights!

Oi! I can blow my own nose thanks!:

The truth dawned on Batman - 'I must look like a twat!'

Nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh...Batman!

Are you 'avin a larf?! Ah of course you are...You Joker you.

Lackey: Sorry to interrupt boss, but have you got a light?
Joker: Highlights? How very dare you! I'm a natural green!

Joker:The best way to get information out of someone is to allow them to poison themselves!
Batman: Ggrr...Those pesky poison pellets!

Never had Batman down as a trade unionist!

And I thought I was having a bad hair day!

Typical night out,cruising the street, swinging away. We get the picture.

Holy mackerel Batman! It's Mao's Little Red Book! It's those damn pinko-commie bastards again!


1 comment:

  1. I just so happen to have card #32 / Whacking Robin's Wings from this set. I'm not sure where I got it, I've recently come across a bunch of cards I had as a child and it was in there. It has a small crease in the upper left corner, but looks to be in excellent shape other than that. its between 2 pieces of plexiglass and the corners are perfect, razor sharp. If anyone is interested, and knows the value feel free to contact me with an offer. I'm sure we can work something out. email me at: just put Batman card in the subject so I don't delete it as SPAM.
